DBZ Maja Future Wiki


Dende is pretty much the same as he is in the normal Dragonball Z

Dende 1

Dende with his family on Earth.

Timeline. He is still the new guardian of Earth. he lives up at the Lookout with his family, Mr.Popo, Piccolo's family.

Dende's Love Life[]

He falls in love with Mesa. She comes to the Lookout and she becomes Popo's assistant. She flirts with him and he developes a crush on her. They start dating not even a year later. 3 years later they find out Mesa is pregnant. They don't tell anyone but 4 months into Mesa's pregnancy she finds out that she is pregnant now with twins. 5 months later she gives brith to a boy they name Sanan. 4 months after that she give birth to a girl they name Dera. Later they find out Mesa is pregnant with a baby girl they name Jem. Dende loves his family and he would do anything for them.

Special Abilities[]

Dende has the power to heal, which is basically Vitakinesis. He can also fly as well as shoot a low grade ki blast. He is not a fighter but he has the spirit of one.


Dende is kind and understanding. He loves to help people and he aids the Z-Fighters whenever he can. He is caring and good person and loves his family very much.


-Has Vitakinesis

-Can fly

-He and Mesa never marry (false)
