DBZ Maja Future Wiki

Android 0XX2 (Fantica)[]

Android 0XX2 or Fantica is one of the

Android 0XX2 fantica

Android 0XX2 (Fantica) doing dishes.

androids created by Dr. Nikaidou. She is kind, responsible, and resourceful. Fantica loves fighting and she would do anything to protect her siblings.

Fantica's Powers[]

Fantica is a mental and a physical fighter. She has Echokinesis, Chronokinesis and Kromokinesis. Echokinesis allows her to be able to control and create sounds and pitch frequencies. Some frequencies can even make a grown man drop to their knees in pain. Chronokinesis allows her to be able to control and freeze time. Kromokinesis allows her to be able to control cells. Fantica loves fighting and she would do anything to protect her family.


Fantica is kind, strong willed, resourceful and responisble. She is always looking out for siblings and she is a good listener. She loves fighting and she would do anything for her family.


-Has orange ki

-Can go Super Saiyan

-Her most dormant power is Dracokinesis
