DBZ Maja Future Wiki


Snow is one of the former students of Master Shen and Mercanary Tao. She



and her sister were fighters from the time they could walk. She and Raine were picked up by Shen when her parents "fought Tao and lost." They were actually killed when they refused to let their daughters join Shen and Tao's school. After they died Shen and Tao added the girls to their fighting team.

Snow's Powers[]

Snow is a mental and physical fighter. She has Icekinesis and Hydrokinesis. Icekinesis allows her to be able to turn anything into ice. Hydrokinesis allows her to be able to control anything liquid. When she found out her parents were killed in the fight she screamed and released a huge neon blue ki blast and that also changed the color of her eyes, so they went from being a soft grey to a piercing bright blue. Ever sense then she became distant and very quiet but closer to her younger sister.


Snow was fun and happy all the time but when her parents died she became very quiet and distant. She tries to stay positive and she fights in honor of her parents.


-She and her sister Raine are idenical twins

-Her eyes were origanally grey

-She is 8 when her parents are killed

-Her most dormant power is Terrakinesis

-She is older than Raine by 2 minutes (She is born December 12 at 11:57 and Raine is born Decmber 12 at 11:59)

-She is a Sagittaurius

